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APCH 2023 Registration Fee

All registrations for APCH 2023 must be submitted through the online registration system. Registrations by telephone or e-mail cannot be accepted. If you have any problems during the online registration process, please contact Registration Support at:

*Please note that all cut-off dates are based on Beijing Time (GMT +8).

  • APCH 2023 Organising Committee offers a special registration fee for the participants from countries of low income or lower middle income as defined by the World Bank Group at:
  • To register as participants under the age of 35 (Born after 14 December 1988), you must provide your passport or identity cards during the registration process.
  • Nurses, community doctors, coordinators, technicians, students, etc., may register as Health Professionals (Non-MD). Proof of eligibility (a copy of valid student ID, working card or official letter from institution) is required confirming that you are a Health Professionals (Non-MD) at the time of registration and for the duration of the congress.
  • Registrants in the Industry Personnel category (reserved for Sponsors or Exhibitors only) must send documentary proof from their head of department of the company or institute.
  • The Accompanying Person fee is applicable to family members of participants only.
All proofs must be uploaded directly during the registration process.


Registration Policy

  • Participant’s registration includes: access to all sessions, access to exhibition and poster areas, Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception, Conference Kit. 
  • Accompanying Person registration includes: access to opening ceremony and welcome reception, and exhibition area. Accompanying Persons are not allowed to access any scientific sessions. 
  • Please note that registration is not complete and will be cancelled unless payment is received by the corresponding deadlines to benefit from reduced registration rates.

Methods of Payment: payment is required at the time of registration and is due in USD. Only PayPal can be acceptable. All payment charges (if has) must be paid by registrants.


The APCH 2023 registration cancellation must be sent to the Conference Organiser ( in written, phone call or voice message will not be accepted.

The appropriate refunds will be made available after the APCH 2023 conference.

All processing fees will be deducted from the registration refund.
Please refer to the following cut-off dates cancellation (dates are based on Beijing Time, GMT 8).

  • Cancellations by 31 July 2023, 20% processing fee will be charged.
  • Cancellations by 15 September 2023, 50% processing fee will be charged.
  • Cancellations from 16 September 2023, 100% processing fee will be charged.

However, a substitute delegate is accepted at no charge. For delegate substitution, a written notice must be provided to the APCH 2023 Registration Service at: before 15 November 2023. Any overdue cancellation or substitution shall not be accepted.

If your Chinese visa application is rejected, the original rejection letter must be submitted to the Conference Organiser within 10 working days. You will get a full refund after the Conference.